Protein Shakes For Snacks

Possibly the best snack on the market is the protein shake because it is so high in protein. Often times people miss their snacks in the hopes of losing weight but this will only make a person lethargic and less likely to get their work done.

Protein Shake

Others opt for a candy bar or a sugary snack or worse a power drink that is full of sugar and caffeine. This is not only unhealthy but it also is only effective for a time. In reality, these kind of 'pick me ups' only serve to spike the blood sugar giving a temporary high that leads to an unavoidable crash.

Protein Shake

Some snacks are healthy, such as a rice cake but it does not help for long because it is filled with carbs that will once again spike the blood sugar and then crash it.

Protein is different, it maintains blood sugar levels giving the strength needed to get through the rest of the day.

A protein shake is easy because it is full of protein and it is quickly mixed. When on the go it can be poured into a travel mug, when in the office it can be mixed easily in a cup or at home it can be put in the blender for a smoother shake.

If one adds fruit such as bananas and blueberries the shake becomes even more nutritious and can be used as a meal substitute.

The best protein powder for a shake is, whey protein powder because it is made naturally from milk as apposed to the chemical production of other types.

Next time try a protein shake for that mid-afternoon fog and see it doesn't help.

Protein Shakes For Snacks
Protein Shake

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